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The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems. The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Systems. Alphanumeric Journal uses DOI numbers which ensures that articles are permanently active. All articles published in Alphanumeric Journal are permanently free for everyone to read and download. For Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015.
Contemporary Educational Technology has made a big progress over the years. Contemporary Educational Technology is an internationally peer-reviewed journal. All submissions go through a strictly double-blind review process. Each manuscript is reviewed critically but constructively by three independent reviewers from different countries, representing various scientific understandings and academic sensitivities.
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Ehl-i Sünnet, Şîa, nas ve tayin, ihtiyar, vasiyet, imâmet. Mihrab Dergisi, Yusuf Ziya Yörükan, Kınalızade Ali Efendi, Eğitim. Nefis Teorisi, Sembolizm, İbn Sîna, es-Seyyid eş-Şerif el-Cürcânî, Nefs theory, symbolism, Ibn Sina, es-Seyyid Şerif Curcani.
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